frustrated momma to be

My husband pissed me off tonight and I feel compelled to share these thoughts.
My life has changed COMPLETELY since I found out I was pregnant. I'm 14 weeks. My social life is basically non existent due to the fact that most of my friends activities involve drinking, I don't go out or have any desire to, I'm tired all the time, I'm getting fat, losing my self confidence and I can't even enjoy a fucking cup of caffeinated coffee. 
Meanwhile, my husbands life has changed minimally. He has beers when he wants to, smokes cigarettes still, gets to keep his fit body, and has basically given up nothing. Yet, he is praised for his small efforts. I hear things like "it's so cute how exited he is." Or "it's nice he doesn't go out as much as he used to" or "how supportive that he comes to your appointments".. Wtf? Why do men get praised for the slightest thing when Women are just expected to shut up and deal? Like I never get a good job for not having a glass of wine today, taking my prenatal vitamin or making myself look presentable despite the fact that I now only fit into stretchy pants. It's bullshit. I'm losing my sanity, ruining my body, and giving up my freedom. I am making responsible choices for two instead of one. If I hear one more person give my husband an atta-boy for dropping a load in me I'm going to lose my shit. Tell me I am not the only one who feels this way.
Disclaimer: before anyone tells me I'm immature and ungrateful- my pregnancy was planned and I am extremely excited to be having a healthy baby. I can not wait to be a mom. I would never actually drink or do anything to jeopardize my baby's health. I am simply having a hard time with all the change and I am looking to vent.