HAD MY BABY GIRL! 😭 @ 39weeks

I was induced Jan.11, the contractions started but I wasn't feeling a thing. Got checked, and went from being a 1 for a week, to 2cm 🙄. The next day, they checked me again & I was at 4, about 5 cm.   The contractions got worse later and I asked for an epidural, it felt like heaven! Didn't feel a thing, ended up taking a nice nap. 😭 They broke my water at around 11am-12pm. It hurt, a bit later the contractions were complete HELL after 😭 they would come and go, the epidural wore off & I felt EVERY SINGLE THING. I swear I only had 30 seconds to breathe inbetween them. I cried, and cried, and cried to the point where I started asking to just have a c-section. The pain was unbearable! I had a button to press for pain meds, im pretty sure I pressed it more than 5 times, it didn't work. Around 2pm, I started saying I had to poop BADLY. I swore it was poop because I was thinking like okay I'm only at 4-5cm, so it can't be the baby. My aunt constantly kept telling me that it wasn't poop. With every contraction I felt, I would try to push and poop it out (at this point I didn't care if I was about to poop all over the bed) 😂. So my aunt is just there casually talking to her friend and she comes over & spreads my legs to check me & the baby's head is coming out. 😂😂 She runs out & her friend runs out screaming for the nurses. They all come running back in & tell me to hold it for 6 MINUTES because the doctor was on her way 😭😭😭😭, I was like WHAT?! HOW?! 💀 (turns out I went from 5-10cm in less than 30mins). Pushing was complete hell, especially the crowning, but once they got her head out, I felt the biggest relief. Ended up with a second degree tear (IT HURT SO BAD), my placenta had a extra lobe and she was trying to get the lobe, constantly having her hands go in and out of me, I was soooooo done, I CRIED 😭. And but as I was getting stitched up and they brought my baby over to me I just looked at her and said "Wow" with my mouth wide open, completely forgetting about the fact that I was getting stitches, didn't feel a thing. Everybody started crying including the nurses, saying She was so beautiful 😭😭😭😩, with a head full of hair. I literally couldn't believe that I carried her for those whole 9months. Every pregnancy symptom that I ever felt and complained about was completely worth it. She didn't even cry, she just stared at my aunt and I 😂. Due Jan.19, but She was born Jan.12 at 4:34pm 7.5lbs, only labored for about 5 hours. No complications, went home the next day.  (I swear I've never cried so much during the whole labor process 😂, both my eyes were swollen, looked like I got beat up) but it was COMPLETLY WORTH IT!