TTC has wrecked havoc on my sex life

I really need help and advice. 
My husband and I have been TTC for more than two years with no luck. Every month is a struggle....I always want to give up but I know my husband wants to have a child and I don't want any regrets. I continue, but my confidence has really taken a bad hit. Since having TTC troubles, I hate my body so much...i think it  is a failure and I do not feel like a real woman. I hate myself everyday, I just do not understand why I can not do something that I am supposed to be designed for. I'm sad all the time, but it's now gotten to a point where I'm so angry at myself, at my relationship, at our inability to make everything work to create life. We now only have sex during fertile days. Our sex life is virtually at zero, I just force myself during fertile days because I have to. I just do not feel sexy anymore, how can a disgusting failure of a woman feel beautiful, sexy, feminine, sexual in anyway? 
I don't know how to get my libido back. My relationship with my husband is suffering. I see sex as a test, a test I'm going to fail again and again. Every sexual experience now just reminds me of my body's inability to do anything right...I'm not even sure why my husband would want to have sex with me. 
Any advice ladies? Do I need professional help? I'm scared. I'm losing my's like a viscous cycle. The more I feel like a failure, the less I want to have sex. The less I have sex, the more I feel like a failure who can't make a baby, satisfy my husband or do anything right.