Prozac/Ssri and Wellbutrin/high estrogen?

I tapered off and stopped my Prozac (20mg) and Wellbutrin (300mg) to TTC. I completely was off all doses mid dec 2016. 
I purchased and started using a fertility monitor early jan (I stopped bc early dec 2016, so I went through one cycle without bc before starting to use the monitor). 
So the monitor tells you when to use a test stick and it asked me to use a test stick cycle day 6 (two days after af ended). I tested "high fertility" on cd 6 which should not be the case with my 32 day cycle. The clear blue help line gave me a little info and said this high fertility means high estrogen and could be the result of going off many meds. 
My question is, if you all know of Prozac/other SSRIs and Wellbutrin causing high estrogen? 
I'm hoping I don't have another issue like endometriosis. So I'm worried. I can't find much online besides hormones may be imbalanced after stopping bc or other meds, but it doesn't say that it would specifically cause high estrogen?