excited but so so scared

Hello beautiful mommas! I'm back. My last post was telling you all about the loss of my precious girl at only 16wks in the oven. I still hurt and I sleep w her urn to kiss her goodnight and good morning so she is still with us 😇 
Well after 3 months of that pain of losing our precious our dear lord has blessed us one more time. Something told me to take a test (in the middle of the day) so I did and bammmmm a big bold yes! I called the nurses that helped me thru that whole heartache and they do believe it a new full pregnancy. Ladies I'm TERRIFIED!!! But very happy. I wanted to share the news with you all cause some you gave me wonderful comforting words after our loss. I will keep you all posted. Prayers are requested and needed to calm this mommas nerves😰