my mother raped me

It sickens me to think that so many people are going to write in the comments that I'm lying, or I'm doing this for attention. I've been told it's Impossible for a girl to rape another's girl. Let alone a mother rape her child. I wholeheartedly swear this isn't for attention or just to see reactions. I just wanted to share my story. I am currently 15, and this happened up until I was 11 when I told my school nurse because I went in to her office complaining that my vagina was burning (I had an UTI) and she started asking me questions about my home life, and everybody thought it was my father or my older brother until I finally came out and said it wa my mother. Nobody believed me because nobody could ever imagine a mother doing that to their child I suppose. My mother was never physically abusive, and she didn't touch me sexually very often, but it did happen so a CPS care was filed and she confessed to it. My father swore he had no idea and so did my brother. I believe them, my dad left my mother for awhile and took my brother while I was in custody of the state. I was going to go live with my father until he decided it would be best if he tried to work things  about with my mother, since that is so, the court had to take away all of his rights to me. My mother is obviously in jail, my dad I guess still goes and visits her. My brother is 20 and I see him fairly often. 
I just wanted to share my story and what I've been through because if anyone on here is a victim of rape as a child, or even now, please speak up. Staying quite isn't going to help anybody but the rapist who ruined you.