Hunter Matthew Garcia


Here's our birth story:

On January 17th 2017, at 10:20am we arrived at the hospital to be induced at exactly 39 weeks. At our 36 week ultrasound we were told he would be at least 9 pounds if we went full term. So we decided to be induced early.

When we arrived I was 2 to 3cm 80% effaced. At noon they started me on pitocin to try and get things going. Doctor didn't want my water broken til later because she was an hour away at another office. By 3pm I was 4 to 5 cm and things were going just fine. Husband and I were playing cards things were great. Baby was doing great.

By 5pm the contractions had started to pick up as the moved the pitocin up way higher. I was trying my hardest to hold out on the epidural but the pain was too much. Finally a little after 5 my OB walked in and said once I got the epidural we would break my water. At about 540pm we got a call saying for them to wait to break my water. At that point I was highly upset. I just wanted to hold my baby and be done. The nurse went to find out why we were putting it on hold.

It was because at another hospital one of her patients was admitted and they thought she was ready to deliver. Well thankfully my doctor decided to go ahead and break my water and see if I started to go fast. Because at that point I was 6cm. At 6:35pm doctor tried to break my water but nothing came out. Come to find out my water broke on its own and no one knew. So we started to wait.

By 6:55pm I was having severe pain in my lower left pelvic area to the point I was in tears and couldn't stop crying. I could feel it through my epidural. Called the nurse she went to check me and babies head was right there. It was time to get the doctor and push. Thankfully my doctor had decided to stay and let me go first.

At 7:13pm after only one push Hunter Matthew Garcia entered the world. He had his cord around his neck which the was no indication of, he had had a bowel movement inside, and fluid in his lungs :( but after a few minutes of skin to skin he was perfectly fine. And weighed in at 7lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. Way smaller than they said and smaller than good big brother!! He's perfect in every way!!