Down Syndrome

This is a delicate subject, but I need to vent...
I am 15 weeks and today, my husband and I were told that our baby is in the percentage of having Down syndrome.
We asked to know. Our lifestyle will change  and we wanted to be prepared.
The idea of raising a child is DS is overwhelming, I'm flooded with emotions and the worst part of it all, my husband and I did not turn to each other for support. We're both stubborn in that sense and don't lean on each other for support or communicate well. Instead, we took the shock of the news and took it out on each other. Our entire day we have either been short with each other or not talking at all....
Part of the reason we are so shocked is because our baby has been right on track. Meaning, every appointment, the baby and I have been healthy, the sonograms, heart beat, growth, have all been perfect. My physician has never raised any worry that our baby may be developing differently. 
In a week, we will find out what our baby's diagnosis is.
I have worked with children and adults wth Down syndrome and have grown to love them, but having the responsibility of raising them vs taking care of them is overwhelming. I've already been working myself up about raising a child without any developmental disabilities and if I'll be a good mom, but now with this news, I'm beside myself.