argument over porn again.

But I won. He says he'll just use my phone from now on, since I told him he no longer will play and/or watch porn and if he wants to try it still...he will no longer have his phone with him when he's alone. He says he has no issue with that now. That he will still do what he wants as he pleases. So. iPhone has this lovely thing called "restrictions" which allows you to restrict any and all adult content. The only way to allow the sites or posts is with a four digit pin. Mine are now activated. He can NOT access it thru my phone not can he delete the history if he tries. And if he realizes he can't use my phone to watch other people and have eyes for someone else, he still doesn't get to take his phone anywhere, alone, at all. It has gotten to this point. He doesn't care about how I feel. I don't care that I treat him as a child. And when he gets his new phone, I will set up blocks for that phone. No more choices. It's me or it's porn.