Pain meds&Pregnancy(no judgement...or RUDE comments..i

Ok mommas...I'm in my early 2nd timester and prier to being pregnant...I was in a HORRIBLE car wreck....and crushed my leg and foot and have been on pain pills (hydrocodone) for 3 years ....well I was about 11ish weeks when i found out I was pregnant and my doc said to cut back on meds just a little but not to stop cold Turkey cuz withdrawals could could very bad things :( so I cut my dose in half...but I still worry....I'd like to hear from mommy's tht have been on this med. While pregnant...not ppl being judgemently jerks...I will delete bad comments and block...I just need some thoughts and advice from ppl that have ACTUALLY been threw this or currently in the same position!and yes I've done tons of research and spoke to my Dr many times on the subjest so I know all the facts alrdy about how it does not harm the fetus...they recommend you stop the meds before birth or let your Dr know ur on them so they know how to properly handly baby they say after so no I'm not hurting my baby....and I've been torn I want to just stop but the Dr said no that could lead to bad things...and I do get very sick I do know that.....plz not hateful judgement comments!!!!