thinking about late abortion

This is a really long post. Please no rude comments.
I'm currently 12 weeks pregnant. I have a 18 month old. His father and I just split up about two months ago, right before I found out I was pregnant. It was a terribly abusive relationship so I can never get back with him. I was sah mom and recently started working again to pay my own bills. I moved back in with my parents. I only have $40 to my name till NEXT Wednesday (2/1/17)
I scheduled an abortion at 7 weeks  but couldn't do it. But I still wasn't happy with the pregnancy.
I made my prenatal hoping that when I got a good look at my baby that I'd grow an attachment to it and be happy. But I don't feel anything. I'm not even close to being excited like I was with my first pregnancy. I think back to the day I canceled my abortion and kind of regret it.
I'm not sure what to do. Whether it's to schedule another abortion or to see a therapist. Or to just deal with this pregnancy and hope I love this baby. I need advice and have no one to talk to.