navy mothers.. I need advice

My boyfriend has been in the navy since we got together. (1 1/2 years now) and his contract is 4 years. I got pregnant on one of his leaves and now have a two month old baby girl. I'm a stay at home mother here doing it on my own. It's tough. He's going on a year long deployment next month with no contact. We're not married so we have no benefits and we talked about marriage one day, he doesn't even plan on it until his contract is up anyways. He's planning on reenlisting, because of the money and benefits. I however don't plan on leaving New York and my family. If he reenlists it's very likely he will not be stationed in New York, and might even be stationed further than he is now (Virginia). I told him we're a family now and decisions that big should be talked about and decided between us and he's refusing to even budge. I understand it's his dream and life.. but we're a family now. I gave up my dreams of going to school and one day working to be a stay at home mother because I'm the only one here to care for her. I have family here, but they all have busy lives of their own. He hasn't even sent me any money either yet, I've been providing for her through any shower money and gift card and my own savings. He knows I don't want to leave here and how hard it's been being not only pregnant without him here supporting me but now being a mother with postpartum depression and a colic baby. I hardly have time to even eat or shower or sleep. I told him I can't stay with him if he's reenlisting, because I will not leave my family and life here. And I don't see a point of being in a relationship where I don't even see my boyfriend. I feel it's unfair of him to leave us for any longer than he already has to be away from us. He always says how he misses us but it didn't seem it. He expects me to go with his plans all my life. He doesn't even consider what I want in life, he promised me once he was out we'd be together as a family for good, not that he was going to add more years onto this. I told him how I feel and he's not changing his mind. He's choosing to be without us. Idk how he could abandon not only the woman he claims to love but his own daughter to. I'm heartbroken. I also have terrible anxiety and get homesick easily, I don't even drive from anxiety which is why living far from family wouldn't work. I get it's his life and decision and the money and benefits are good but he promised me he'd be out for good and we can be the family I always dreamed of having. I put everything on hold for his dreams and I don't even get mine. It breaks my heart he won't be here to help me raise our daughter and will miss everything. I feel lied to and teased. He told me he wasn't reenlisting to stay together but now is coming out with the truth. I want to make this work but idk.. I need help.. I'm wondering how you navy moms do it and what happens when you reenlist? He told me it's only 2 years and there will be no underways or deployments etc but still.. I don't want to be away from home. No judgment please . 
UPDATE: his family lives in NY too. We met in high school. He's use to being without then due to being in the military.