Random writing.

Long-distance relationships are challenging. Much of the joy that we find in our relationship comes from the things that you and I can do together, in person. When it comes down to us living hundreds of miles apart, we cannot share these activities, these moments that we enjoy oh so very much. I cannot gaze into your eyes, nor can you gaze into mine. We cannot enjoy the pleasures of physical contact, or even just share the simple joy of each other's presence. And, depending on the situation, neither of us may know if and when we will be able to see each other again. This is what hurts most of all. The thought that it could be weeks or even months before you and I can see each other again is absolutely heartbreaking. Many relationships weaken with distance, but others become stronger. There are good things that come with distance too. It's not all bad. If I've learned anything from my experience with long-distance relationships, I have learned that when You're in a  long-distance relationship you develop a sense of personal strengths as well as a sense of consistency. You learn how to make and keep a commitment even when times are tough and things get difficult. You discover the power in your relationship to overcome all obstacles. We will overcome any obstacles that happen to be put in our way. We have come this far and we have a lot farther to go. Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. See, us being apart is only going to make us stronger. Distance means so little when you love someone as much as I love you. You and I, we are a perfect couple, although this is not a perfect situation. Distance does not bother me. All I want is true commitment and to know that your heart will never change, because mine won't. The distance I can bear, but I cannot imagine doing this without you. Distance makes the heart grow stronger. The reason it hurts so much to be apart is because our souls are connected. We our own people, but together our souls create one beautiful love story. So, how do we keep the story going? Just because things are going to get hard does not mean that giving up is even an option, as long as we don't allow it to be. True love does not mean to be Inseparable, it means being separated and nothing changes. We are that strong. We will forever be one. Long-distance relationships are hard, but they're also incredible. If you and I can continue to love, trust, respect, and support each other from a distance, we will be unstoppable went together. We are each other's inspiration. We are going to do amazing things, because we have each other. Contrary to what the cynics say, distance is not for the fearful. It is for the Bold. We, are bold. I am preparing to miss you a great deal, but I know I will miss you even more once we're apart. So, let's make our time together the absolute best it can be. Let's live in the moment. Let's not think  twice about our adventures and enjoy each other before we can no longer. Let's continue our story.