
So I'm not sure if I should call the doctor 
Because I just don't see what they would even really do about it. And I don't like running to the doctor for everything. But if I need to I will. I've had a migraine for like the past 4 days. It only comes on later afternoon/early evening. I haven't tried to take anything. One day I put a frozen bottle to my neck/head and if didn't do much but I did last night and it felt better. I'm about to take a nap and see how I feel. But another big issue is I can't go to the doctor until next Friday if I needed to because I have no way of getting out of work this week. And I could go to ER but I already went once and I have a 2,700 bill to pay. I'd like to avoid another one... I'm 15 weeks. so any advice/suggestions what to do?