well that was a scary trip to L&D

Grace • Zion James 1/22/17, Kingston👼🏽 10/14/18, rainbow baby due December 19’🌈💕
This morning at my appointment my BP was higher than normal, so my OB decided to send me over to the hospital to get some labs done and a non-stress test. It was all going good until the nurse was asking me questions and her voice was getting quieter and more faint sounding, my chest started racing, and I was sweating like crazy. I looked over at my mom and she started asking what was wrong but I couldn't get any words out! Finally I was able to tell them I was about to pass out. My blood pressure went from way too high, and plummeted to way lower than what it should be. Everything went white, like 4 nurses came in the room and there flipping me around everywhere, they got an iv in me and had to give me an oxygen mask. Well that put baby into extreme stress and he wasn't responding to the monitor. Ugh after about 5 minutes on oxygen I felt more clear and baby was okay again. After all my blood work came back it was good and no protein in my urine so they aren't sure why my BP is high but they discharged me and decided not to induce today. I was kinda hoping my little guy was about to join me but I guess he's still not ready lol 3 more days until I'm due 😭 but I did get a membrane sweep and I'm 3cm so hopefully labor is soon