Was I wrong?

Hi everyone, I'm so sad and overwhelmed right now, I need your advice.
The father of my baby and me don't live together just yet, so I went to visit him for the weekend. 
I arrived friday night and in the city he lives in the temperature was above 34C (about 85F) he doesn't have any air conditioning at his house and sleeps in a tiny bed, as a 21 week pregnant woman, It's very unconfortable for me to go visit because, besides the extreme hotness the room is in at night, (at least that's how I feel it, because I'm sweating all over). I complained about this with him and he said he couldn't do much, that he can't control the weather and that he will not buy a fan or anything like it because buying things are not the solution to every problem. Ok, I gave in and let it go, but what happened next really pissed me off.
We have a dog that lives with him, and the dog has now begun to pee on the beds...well, he never told me the dog had peed on his bed (his mom was laughing at it because she thinks is so funny he does that, and they don't want to train him because "it's too much money" and they like the dog's personality (?)) so we went to bed and I couldn't sleep because of the heat...qnd then I felt a funny smell in the pillow, and guess what? It was dog pee. I was sleeping with my head in a pillow with dog pee.
I was so upset by it, by the fact he would not do a thing to make me sleep confortably, and that besides I was putting myself in danger of god knows what infection y sleeping and breathing in a pillow woth dog urine, I got up, started to get dressed and left.
I told him all that was upsetting me to what his answer was "you knew it was hot and the bed is small!" And that "I was hysterical and exaggerating.
I told him, if your bosse's wife is 6 months pregnant, would you make her sleep under these conditions?! NO! Then why me?!, and he replied that I can't compare myself to her, because I'll end up on the losing side (this really hurt my feelings, girls, more than anything he has ever said...I felt I'm not enough..)
I ended up leaving and driving at 5 am all the way to my place (1:30hr highway drive).
I blocked him from everything, he can't reach me, he can't text me or call me, because I don't want to have to do anything with him...I'm so hurt and humilliated I can barely believe this happened to me.
Am I being too dramatic? I'm aware pregnancy hormones may bring the worst in us...but now that I've had time to think, I still feel very hurt and humilliated.
I don't know what to do...am I in the wrong? All opinions are welcome! THANKS! 
He called me from another phone to "check on the baby"...he still doesn't think he's in the wrong of anything...moreso reason why I can't stick with him. This is all too sad.