Overweight Pregnancy Tips


Hi all! This is my first pregnancy! Our plan was to wait another couple years before babies, and in the meantime I planned on getting my body healthy so I could be in my best shape for pregnancy. But we all know had God laughs sometimes! So here I am, overweight (34 bmi) and 5 weeks pregnant. This morning I ate a very healthy breakfast (1 egg, a tiny bit of cheese, grapes, and an english muffin) even though I made my hubby French toast, and I did yoga! (Found a 1st trimester session online!)

I already know I'm only supposed to gain 11 to 20 pounds since I already provided some of my own fat and I plan to eat as healthy as possible and do yoga hopefully every day. Does anyone have any other tips or strategies that worked for them to get healthy after you found out you were pregnant?