The pee struggle

Cara • Baby boy due May 30th, 2017!
The pee struggle is so real. I think I already had an overactive bladder prior to becoming pregnant (for example: I would pee AT LEAST 5 times a night even without drinking water before sleeping), now of course it's getting worse. I'm about 22 weeks, so I know this is only the beginning of my pee hell. Today I took a 2 hour nap, within those 2 hours I woke up 5 times to pee. 5 TIMES IN 2 HOURS! I only drank one 16.9oz water bottle within a span of 5 hours before falling asleep. Its not just when I'm sleeping either, of course. Its all day. I pee every half hour at least. I knew it was going to be bad because of how much I used to pee before getting pregnant, but I didnt know it was going to be this bad. It is extremely uncomfortable. I am not mentally prepared for how bad this is going to be when I am even furthur along. Yikes. This is all for my baby boy though! Just wish he wouldnt sit so low. Seems like he is right on my bladder!