New state, new office, new doctor...tiny rant


So, we moved from North Carolina to Pennsylvania...well actually we moved back. My husband was having job issues and we thought being close to family would be better plus transferring back meant more hours and more money...well now we're unemployed...funny how shit works right? Well whatever, nothing we can do but apply and wait until we get our income tax back (hopefully soon). So all that drama is happening with unpacking, and trying to get the kids settled and now dealing with a new OB office.

The doctors that I've met so far are very nice. They're not much of a "your choice" practice as I was told flat out I'd be having another csection but it's nothing I wasn't assuming anyway as this would be the third one in three years -_-. Other than that brief conversation they were generally polite. The front desk however was a whole different story...rude, ignored most people, gave off a general "I'm too good for this" vibe but I'm not shocked by it at all...

Now, down to the good part :) I get an extra ultrasound out of all this! Haha! The OB who I was talking to said since they did my anatomy scan so early (16 weeks because of a scheduling error etc) that's she wanted an "updated and accurate" scan but that really, since this was a new office and it's been a while since I've seen anything and they never have done an ultrasound for me there she was just gonna tell them to fudge the billing so it was covered. :)

Also that office billed insurance for ALL of my appointments already so all we have left is copay so I don't need to pay out of pocket for appointments now that we're uninsured (already dealing with paperwork for that>>>so not for too much longer hopefully).

As much of a shitty mess this all is, tomorrow is going to be a good day. My mom even took off half a day of work to watch my kids so my husband could come with me to get to see the ultrasound since he couldn't in NC. :)