feeling the need to vent!

My husband and I got married last year and have been ttc ever since. As far as we know there's nothing majorly wrong but still no baby. 
I've been diligently temping and poas to try and track ovulation and have temps telling me one thing, apps telling me another and poas something else again. I'm finding it really difficult to stay motivated when it feels as though I'm trying to figure out this whole conception thing alone with loads of pressure from friends and family constantly asking when we're going to have children. Like we can just go and pick one up from the supermarket. Plus we're in our 30s now and going through that phase where literally everyone we know seems to be getting pregnant and posting sonograms on Facebook. Bloody frustrating!
When talking about it to DH or family I get the wonderfully useful advice of "stop trying and it'll happen when you least expect it" which is about as useful as "your keys will be in the last place you look for them." Uh huh. 
I've tried vitamins, lubes, Agnus castus (which was awful & gave me hot flashes so bad I thought it'd kicked me into early menopause!) but as yet no smug sonogram Facebook post for me. 
It's been a huge help reading the stories from other frazzled ladies on here and knowing that falling pregnant is not quite as simple as it's made out to be in 80s teen movies. I hope one day to post our own smug sonogram photo, as a testament to all the hard work and stress but until then, it's back to the conception gauntlet for me.