Baby #2 advice!

So I have a 3 year old daughter (she will be 4 next month) and her whole life it has been just me and her. Don't get me wrong my family helped but relationship wise it has always been just us two together. After her first birthday my now husband came into the picture and we all became a family 2 years later. I am now 6 weeks pregnant and we was wanting another baby but now that I'm pregnant I am getting scared/nervous. Some days when I talk about the baby with my husband I am so excited and happy but when he is at work and I'm alone I get so depressed. I'm scared my daughter is going to feel so left out. I don't want a new baby to hurt her feelings and I'm scared I won't love this baby as much as my daughter since she is my first. I'm not saying I won't love the baby or take care of it obviously I'm excited to have another one I always wanted 2 I'm just scared to hurt my daughters feelings. She asks us all the time to get her a brother or sister so she will have someone to play with and she will help me feed the baby, change it's diapers etc but I'm still nervous. I love her more than anything in the world and the thought of her thinking I love this new baby more or not getting to spend time with her as much breaks my heart for me and her.. she will be in school by the time the baby gets here so I'm thinking that will help a lot because when she gets home so will her dad so we can divide time up evenly but idk. Any moms out there with more than one child that cane give me a little advice or encouragement? Is having 2 not anything like I think it will be?