My boyfriend told me while we were driving....

His mom and brother confronted him about my pregnancy test's yesterday, I took a ton of pregnancy test's when I was pregnant with my daughter and I left the boxes in my closet. My son got into them and started spreading them around the house, I guess while I was gone they both said something to him because they thought we were trying for a 3rd, they were hounding him about it. They all know if I was there I would have been all down there throats! We are 25 both work, pay our own Bill's, put an application for our own place etc idk where they think it's ok to get in our business. Then he preceded to tell me he doesn't know if he even wants a 3rd, it shocked me because we have always said we wanted one more. Then he said "well because you want one it will happen" that hurt my feeling's a little because he is making it sound like he will have a pitty child just because I want one. I told him I'm not gonna force him to do anything but he knows how I feel on the matter, we both have agreed that when it gets to that time(when our daughter turns 2)we "Might" try then.