I'm so frustrated now, I'm 34 weeks and 5 days, due March 1st and for some back story my pregnancy has not been easy, especially this being the first to carry this far. I've faced moving 4 different times all the while of having hematomas and lots of stress. Anyways...after my 4th and final move with my SO into our beautiful 4 bedroom home, I asked where would he like our bedroom and the nursery to be. There's a very big master suit downstairs and upstairs and he has told me up until last night he wanted to stay downstairs and only changed his mind because he doesn't want the baby alone upstairs while he's baby (he would stay in our room for at least first 6 months). My very frustrating SO also decided to change his mind only after I had already started setting the nursery up and refuses to help switch all the rooms around. I however am perfectly okay with having monitors and gates to help watch the baby when he will be in his own nursery at night...Idk what to do. But I really don't want to be the one to have to break down the crib and reassemble it and struggle to take a king size bed upstairs. Opinions?