Hcg levels.. can't stop stressing!

brittany • Mother to 1 girl 👧 and my rainbow 🌈 baby on the way ❤
I went to the er for pain on my left side. Going by my last period I would have been 5 weeks at the time. They checked my hcg levels and they were 326 which doc said was low so they sent me in to check my levels again in 2 days and they went to 490 something (can't remember the exact number) my doctor said he was 99% sure I was having a miscarriage but wanted me to come in 2 days later to check levels, he said next time he would know for sure if I was going to miscarry. Well I had them checked again and they went to 794. He said he wasn't sure now because they were still going up so he wanted to wait a week this time.. I go in Monday to check levels again and I am going crazy I just want to know everything is okay! I havent had any unusual pain or any bleeding so I'm hoping this is a good sign. I'm praying that they have went up like they should! Anyone else experienced this and everything was okay?