Hey ladies! Ok so lemme make a long story short.
AF showed up a week early ( just 7 days after my positive
opk). It was light (maybe one thong liner a day and not even a full one) it was only 3 days, where I'm usually 7 days, and brown. Had 2 dabs of pink cm before this "period" which I literally never get. Today was the expected day of AF, and all I got was a ton of slippery type stuff that was tinged with light brown and pink. Temp yesterday was low 75, today it was over 76. Negative OPKs all week,
bfn hpt daily for a few days. Nothing else really, some aches in my low tummy, like cramps but not, mostly on the left side. I never ever get cramps either. Am I out? Should I wait for my new cycle to begin and try again? Or could this be promising and I'm just testing to soon? Thanks lovelies,
baby dust to all!