Need Advise

Went to my first ultrasound. Tech said she didn't see what she should be seeing at 9 weeks 2 days ( we did a private ultrasound)  No yoke no heartbeat. She sent us to the Er because of my medical problems to get blood work for my levels. She pretty much told us it was a miscarriage. Crying and upset I packed a bag and headed to my hospital Er. We get there checked in. They take blood and another ultrasound. Doc comes in and says my levels are in the 30 thousand ranges. She also said she saw something on my ultrasound the sac and everything that's supposed to be there. She said that its to early to call what it is. Heartbreat starts at 25mm I was at 24mm. We go back next Thursday to do a ultrasound and blood work. To see where I'm at. She also did a pelvic exam I wasn't dialed. I've had no bleeding no cramps. No signs of miscarriage. She said we could have gotten my dates wrong. I'm just So NERVOUS. So is my S\O. This is our first baby. Have any of you ladies gone through this? I need to hear something to ease my mind. I've been such a emotional wreck.