please help ladies

Zoe • 27 years old and engaged to my best friend, my soul mate 💕 1 mmc at 12 weeks and 1 mc at 5 weeks 🌈 my angel babies ✨
So I found out was pregnant at 3 weeks 6 days I'm now 7 weeks tomorrow - my tests started to get darker than control line and I had 3+ on disbursal 10 days ago well yesterday I did a test and the test line isn't darker than control line anymore still dark but not darker also did a digutal after and it said 3+ still ( highest reading can get on it which means over 5 weeks ) any one had their test go lighter and still be okay ? Need some positivity here I'm so worried - 1 mc and 1 mmc last year and right now I'm freaking out thank you x