Toddler formula?

It's been a while since I've been on here and I'm glad to get back on here, life hit our family big time! But anyway, my daughter turned 10 months the 23rd and will be one in March. She's been 100% breastmilk fed by bottle, i exclusive pump. Well for the last Four months I've tried everything to introduce baby food and even regular food but she has no interest in anything other than puffs 😞 my breastmilk supply has been on an ultimate low so I have went ahead and stopping pumping this week and have been giving her my frozen milk stash but at her 9 month appointment last week it was brought up since she isn't a fan of food yet to try toddler formula after a year and once all my frozen stash has been used. I've been looking and researching but not sure where to start on what brand, my oldest whose almost 7 was formula fed and ate baby food, regular food, etc like a champ! So I'm dealing with a whole new ballgame with my little. Anyone else looking into toddler formula or have suggestion!!! Thanks :)