Getting Preg on Narcotics?

No judgements without reading, please. Here's a bit of background before my actual question: I have a rare disease that I'm on some major meds for. Multiple muscle relaxers, benzos, anti-seizure meds, 60mg of morphine 3x a day, and Oxymorphone 4x a day. The disease I have is ridiculously rare and relatively unheard of by most....even some doctors. BUT, in my previous pregnancies (2 healthy daughters & 1 miscarriage) my symptoms were gone. At minimum one study was done on my disease that also proves symptoms mysteriously disappear during pregnancy. I also did my research and mommy's blood & baby's blood don't mix until about 6 weeks. I monitor my ovulation and periods very closely so I test if I'm even a day late, just to be safe. I'd rather waste the extra money on tons of tests than risk the child. My body doesn't need to wean off the meds, either. I've had this disease since I was 12 years old (30 now) and until last year I was able to stop them every summer, just cold-turkey. Doctors always recommended weaning off because they assumed I would have withdrawals but I never have. I say until last year because that was the 1st year I wasn't able to go off my meds. The disease has progressed to that point. But, during good times I still go a day or 2 without meds, so stopping will be no issue. Now to my real question: my pain management doctor told me the narcotics mess with hormones and can make it more difficult to get pregnant. I had no trouble and got pregnant quickly with my previous pregnancies buy my meds were at much lower doses. Now my fiancee and I want a little boy but we've been trying for almost 16 months with no success. My dad just began hospice care and I desperately want to give him good news know. Anyone have ANY ideas, thoughts, or suggestions? Can anyone give me a bit of hope that they've gotten pregnant on high-dose narcotics?