trouble with solids

My daughter went through this phase about two months ago where she was nursing constantly. Like all the time. So we gave her some bananas and mostly breastmilk. She loved it and it satisfied her so I could actually get a break. We didn't push the issue much only had a few bites here and there but it was always mostly milk and she loved it. Around Christmas she ended up getting really sick and mucousy and stopped wanting solids. Now she's better and still won't eat anything. She gags and pukes anytime we try to give her solids. She's even cut way back on her nursing. She doesn't act hungry - just completely uninterested in any kind of food or breastmilk.. Is this normal? She still gets enough wet/poopy diapers. I asked the doctor at her checkup and she didn't seem concerned at all. She just kept saying how healthy and big she is. 
I've tried making her food with breastmilk and I've also bought multiple brands of store bought food and she still gags and pukes every time.