bed sharing

I know this is a hot topic. I don't want to bed share, my husband and I are both in board with not having our LO in bed with us. However she refuses to sleep lately and the only way I can get her to sleep is to side lay and nurse. Then we try to move her to her own space once she is asleep, every time, I mean every time her back touches anything other than our bed she screams bloody murder. This has been happening for almost two weeks. So here I sit on the bed with DH and LO snoozing away. They look so precious, but I want my bed back and my baby to sleep in hers (PAC n play next to our bed until we are comfortable leaving her in her room, which is upstairs from ours so I think that might be a while) I want to not wake up to a baby in bed because we fell asleep while I was nursing, it terrifies me, and is the only way I am getting sleep which is even worse. I wish I had a baby spatula so I could move her more gently so she wouldn't stir or something. Just looking for advise, words of encouragement... please say it gets better. 4mo sleeping habits were awesome compared to this 5mo business. Did I mention she's only been sleeping 50min at a time? So in theory I have 8 min until madness, crossing my fingers she stays sleeping. Also for most of you ladies reading this right now I'm sorry you're not sleeping either if you should be in your time zone. (4am here, been up for and hour or so).