Ramzi theory how accurate is it

Nesdely • My family is everything. Mother of three blessing and god just bless us with baby number four as our New Years 💑👪👩‍👦
Above is my ultra sound and what they predicted ☝️Okay ladies how accurate is this Ramzi theory 
So I found this website where you can upload your picture and it will tell you what their prediction is but apparently their saying mine is a boy I'm a little confused because isn't this on the left not the right👇🏼
Above is the Ramzi photo according to this one ☝️ my ultra sound shows girl but apparently the result show that my tech rotate my picture so their saying boy 😂😂I'm laughing at the results because even if I am having a boy it doesn't matter as long as my baby is healthy but it's not going off of their demo picture 
Ladies am I wrong or is this baby perhaps on the right and it's a boy. Yes I'm crazy I paid 10 dollars for this lol 
Any thoughts here