roller coaster pregnancy

So yesterday I started having some bright red bleeding so I called the on call ob and they told me to go into the ER to get checked (mostly because I'm on blood thinners) so my husband and I go in and they order an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech says "are you guys ready for some exciting news?" We were like well we already know we are pregnant? What news? "You are having twins!!" I wanted to cry and laugh all at the same time! Twins don't run in either of our families so it's a huge surprise for all of us. Baby A had a strong heart beat of 139 and baby B had a heartbeat of 116. They both looked good and healthy. We are almost 7 weeks along. Well this morning I woke up and have a bunch of dark almost brown blood. Trying not to worry since we just saw the babies last night and all was well. Has this happened to anyone else? No cramps. Some light back pain but I think it's mostly from picking up my one year old all day. So nervous and excited but mostly nervous with all this random bleeding.