Constipated relief!

Omg y'all I'm 8 weeks today and considering I had morning sickness from the time I wake up until I go to bed and even through out the night I basically live on zofran. For that matter I have been SO extremely constipated the past 4 days. Like I have been nothing but in bed moaning in pain. It was so bad I couldn't even tell if I was nauseous or not anymore. I had read so many things to try and go tot he rest room and get relief and everything I read colace, milk of mag, stool softener nothing seemed to work right away every said so I was at a loss. I needed relief and relief now! I went to my dollar store and bought a tub full of fleet glycerin suppositories and oh my gosh not even 3 minutes after inserting it and I went to the bathroom! You guys this was a life saver and only $3.50!