stomach flu...

I started feeling extra tired last week (7 weeks) and by Tuesday night was up all night puking my brains out even though I barely ate that day. The next day I had to call my husband at work to come home and take care of our 20 month old because there was no way I was going to be able to. I spent the day in bed, sleeping mostly and had some diarrhea (tmi). The next morning my husband told me my toddler also threw up and she's had diarrhea for a couple of days. 
To top it off I haven't told anybody besides my husband that I'm pregnant so it's been extra hard. Tomorrow is my first ultra sound and hubby will have to miss it to stay home with our sickie. :( boo. 
The stomach flu is not the business especially while being pregnant. Wash your hands more than usual ladies and stay healthy!!!