Testing in AZ

Everyone swore up and down I would surely be drug tested at the hospital, was being drug tested at every doc appointment, etc blah blah blah but guess what?! The internet was wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG. It was all to scare the shit out of a person and get them all paranoid. For half my pregnancy, I worried... I quit for 3 months of it but I found that to be a good thing and did so for many reasons. I knew my son would be fine and he is so strong, sweet and alert. 
I'm on Medicaid as well but I had none of the prenatal red flags they look for and I went home with my son with no problems. They didn't even have me sign a consent form as I guess I raised zero suspicion. 
Moral of the story, if you smoke or ingest marijuana - you're probably fine at the hospital.Â