Just keeps coming.

natosha • Hey, I’m tosha! I’m now pregnant with my 6th child and still learning new things everyday. I’m taking online courses to be and ultrasound tech, but I’m mostly a stay at home mom. Just here asking questions like everyone else!💜
So, I posted a day or two ago about my grandmother dying in KY from cancer and me wanting to go see her before she does but me being 39+5 weeks i was worried because it's 10 hours away. Well I found out lastnight she passed away.😭 She was my hero. But i was asking if it would be bad to ask to be induced for that reason. Well now I have another situation, my grandmother is getting cremated per her request, she wants her ashes spread in two spots beside my papaws and at Myrtle Beach where she met my papaw. I'm the only person who lives in north Carolina so of course it was set as my job. Now I'm 39+5 days pregnant having contractions all day but not really changing fast, I'm 3 cm dilated 80% effaced and at -1 station, KY is ten hours away so I would be driving ten hours there, ten hours back then 2 more hours to Myrtle Beach. I just don't think that's going to work to well, I'm extremely emotional right now because I feel like I can't do anything I need to right now and of course the woman who adopted me and saved me has just passed away. I want to ask my doctor to induce me tomorrow so I can do this one last thing for the person who did everything for me. Am I being selfish?