How to ask a guy out

Ok so there is this guy who sits next to me in my Biology class (I sit at a lab table where I'm the only girl)! So the guy who sits closest to me is the most quiet, but I kind of like him. I've been thinking about him a lot and don't really know why. He's also very nice from what I can tell and he always asks me questions about our homework or before quizzes because I know a lot about bio. He also told our table that he bikes a lot in the summer. So do I! I want to get to know him better, which is why I kind of want to ask him out. However, I could get to know him and become more of friends before I ask him out. Also, I'm pretty quiet myself and I've never asked anyone out before. How would I go about doing it? Should I wait until I know him better? Is there any way I can tell if he's interested in me even a little?