Pain in breast? Scared, please help?

I can't remember how long exactly but for a good few months, maybe 6 months to a year before I got pregnant with my son I was getting a strange poking sensation on the side of my left breast which was worse when I was laid on that side. It kind of felt like something was constantly digging into the side of my breast or like there was a lump there I was laying on but I cannot feel any lumps with my hands and neither could my partner.The feeling went away for almost all of my pregnancy up until the last few weeks and it started to come back and now 2 weeks PP it's come back worse and is really annoying and painful. Same place same breast.I saw a GP with it before I was pregnant who said she couldn't see anything and there is an area of the breast that can get painful before periods.. but I don't know really.Has anyone had anything similar? I've booked to see a GP in a couple of weeks but I'm worried now.