Friendships already changing!!

Realised today that things with my best friend are becoming a little tense. I'm a lot busier at the moment being 36 weeks, in my last week at work before I go on leave, have heaps of appointment at the doctors, trying to get renovations done before the baby's here! She's been trying to catch up for a few days and I've realised how much I used to work around her plans. I'd pick her up, I'd drive her places, I'd work around her schedule and hang out with her (abusive & horrible) boyfriend pretending to be nice.

I was supposed to pick her up after work tonight and I knew her boyfriend wouldn't be happy about it. So as I expected she texts me to tell me not to worry about picking her up, she'll just come to my house. I say that won't work because my husband has people coming over. So she's all shitty saying fine I guess you can come to my house.

I just thought she would be more understanding and helpful at this stage of the pregnancy. Kinda sad that she talks about being an Aunty to my baby but she is so not making this easy since I've become less available.

I was really hoping this wouldn't happen :(