Cramping after Antibiotics - Zithromax


Been sick for over ten days, coughing wheezing phlegm, body aches (especially back when I cough), runny and stuffy nose, dizziness.... I'm miserable and I know my SO is running out of patience. He's been amazing helping me get up (I'm so dizzy that I've almost fallen). Making herbal twas, giving steam baths and rubs with Vicks.

So I finally went to the Triage and I have a sinus infection which is causing all the above. They gave me Zithromax also known as the Z-pak. Now from what I read it's not recommended in the 1st or 3rd Trimester but it's OK during 2nd (I'm 23 weeks).

Normally you 2 pills the first day and I decided to take only one. Thank God with in hours I had some horrible cramping. I didn't bleed and Sammy is just as active today as he has been. But it really scared me and pissed off my SO. (he's blaming the doctor, not mad at me)

Anyone else know anything about this drug during pregnancy and any suggestions oh what else I can do? Over the counter meds aren't working, I've missed a week of work already and I'm so weak it's crazy!