boss threatened to fire me when I told him I was preggo!

I told my boss today that I am pregnant. It didn't go as well as I thought it would! First of all, I am a vet tech at a very small animal clinic. There is only one other tech and 2 receptionists. I knew getting pregnant would be a strain on work so I let him know a year ago that we would be trying. And then I reminded him again last October that we were trying to conceive. So it was by no means a surprise! So the only things I can't do are X-rays and surgeries...which are a very small part of my day. We only do 1 procedure a day and hardly take any X-rays. He told me he can't move me to reception because there are already receptionists and that if I can't do surgeries he would have to let me go. WTF?!?! I've worked my ass off for him for almost 6 years! Hardly ever call out sick, always on time. So pissed. I almost started crying on the spot, I was so shocked. Anyway, I am seeing a nurse tomorrow since I can't see the doc until I'm 8 weeks and she will write down what I can and can't do for my boss. Isn't that illegal to fire someone over pregnancy?