My fast, natural labour at 39w1d..

Nicole • Mummy of 3💙💙💗 #4 due October💗

Saturday I had to go to hospital to be monitored because my baby wasn't moving as much as usual. The midwife noticed I was have regular contractions and asked if I could feel them and I said yes. She told me any day now, But they just felt like braxton hicks and i had been getting them regularly since having intercourse 2 days before and it happened every time I had sex so I didn't think anything of it. However, I was also getting bloody discharge this time around so maybe sex did start labor off, who knows.

After being monitored I went home, cleaned and chilled for the rest of the day. Went to bed around 9, woke up at 12 in the night in no pain what so ever, checked the time and ad went back to sleep. Then I woke up again at 4:00am, just about to go back to sleep and then I had what I thought was another braxton hick contraction but this time with a really painful gas-like cramp. Thought it was nothing so I layed back down but then had another one. I went to the toilet to try and have a bowel movement or pass gas but i couldn't. I waited to see if they would keep coming before thinking anything of it, and they did. They were getting stronger and I knew something must be happening, but I literally thought I just needed to do the biggest fart ever😂😂 I was on all fours, leaning over the chair, I tried a bath but nothing was working. After 3 hours of trying to deal with the pain at home I decided to go to L&D just to get checked. On the way there I just thought they were going to say I'm not in labour and send me home because everyone told me contractions would feel like really strong period pain, but this felt like really strong trapped wind pain. The pain was coming and going with the tightening though so i thought maybe theres a chance im in labour. I arrived at hospital around 7:30am. When I got to the doors some pink fluid started dripping through my trousers onto the floor. Not alot but that's when I knew it wasn't definitely wasnt just trapped wind lol! That was the only leaking of fluid I had, there was no big gush of anything so I have no idea when my waters actually broke. The midwife put me on the monitor and as I was having contractions on the bed I asked the midwife for the epidural. (i had planned to have it) She said she needs to check me first to see how far dilated I am. And then she told me it's too late because I'm already 7cm dilated! They took me through to the delivery suit, I got onto the bed and started gas & air. As the next contractions were coming my body would just naturally push so I just went with it. She examined me again to see if I was actually ready to start pushing yet which i was so she told me to carry on. At first I wasn't pushing hard and long enough, and she told me his heartbeat was dropping a little bit so that's when I really went for it! And at 9:06 my baby boy was born!

It all happened so fast. I thought for sure i was going to go overdue as its my first pregnancy. As he was laying my chest all i kept thinking was 'i can't believe did it'. It was a blessing in disguise being too late for the epidural. So glad I didn't get it. I prayed for a safe and fast delivery and for the strength to get through it and that's exactly what I got. I'm so thankful for the birth I wished for and a healthy baby boy!💙