my birth story, and holy crap!

So this is my second baby. I gave birth to my daughter at 37 weeks and 3 days. And only had a short 5 hour labor. Well this time around I've been in quite some pain for about a week, nothing excruciating but definitely
Uncomfortable. So today I was having on again off again pains which I've been having for over a week now. Then all the sudden they started coming back to back OUT OF NO WHERE. 2
Minutes apart! I called my husband who works 45 minutes away. And I swear I have never been in so much pain in my life. He finally got to me, we got to the hospital, at this point I'm in panic mode because I feel like I'm gonna have him at any second. They get me into a room and check me, 10cm dilated, completely effaced. They take me to a birthing room and from the time I got on that bed to giving birth was a whopping 6 minutes! 2 pushes and Carter was born! We got to the hospital at 12:17am and he was born at 12:30am. Scariest and most amazing birth and he is so worth it!