Dog bite my 7yr old! See description.


Since the summer of 2016, my roughly 5 year old dog (jack russell mix) has become mildly aggressive about his food. The aggression is only pointed at my 7 yr old. If my child walks by the dog's bowl, dog tries to block my child's path or nip at their heels or gobble down all the food before my child can get near. We've tried having our child feed the dog, give him treats, give him commands, leash walk the dog and teach the dog that he must respect our child too. My child loves this dog and wants to take care of him.

We have a trash can in my kid's room. When my child went upstairs, they found the dog face deep in the trash can trying to get to some food that was thrown away. My kid goes to take the trash can because our dog got sick last week for eating some people food from a grocery bag at the kitchen table. As soon as my kid grabs the trash can, the dog bit my kid's hand. It broke skin in one or two places. We've bandaged up our child's hand and seems okay now. But my child has been in tears because we might get rid of the dog.

I'm worried that even though the dog will go after my child again or my step child or a new baby once we get pregnant again.

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