
And I hate it!!! Everything my SO does seems to annoy me lately and I feel so awful about it. Like right as I'm writing this he keeps asking I "who are you talking too so late?" And I'm not sure why that annoys me lol. I'm such an asshole when I'm pregnant I swear 😐 When he talks to me I get irritated with his questions and when we're in the car I sit in the back seat with our 13 month old I was looking at new carseats online and he kept looking at me through the rear view mirror. And just right now he asked me if he ate sushi do I think he would get buffer

I despise my hormones he doesn't know I'm annoyed though because I know I'm just being rude lol 😞 am I the only one? Also it annoys me that he stays up till 3am playing call of duty I could go on and on and I'm only 13 weeks (: Lord help me