HELP! Have you ever been told you were having a boy and it was a girl?

Bárbara • I'm 28, and I have a beautiful baby girl born on May 30th, 2017 ^^ I also have a dog named Oliver and I love him lots!

I feel very sad, they had told me before in an ultrasound that I was having a boy and today I went for an ultrasound and they said it's a girl, I started crying because I was really excited for a boy and I felt like I was a bad mum for being sad but it's not that I don't love my baby I just was convinced that I was having a boy and it was hard for me to take. As long as it's a healthy baby I don't care for the gender.

Also I don't know how to tell my bf because he wanted a boy so bad and I'm scared he won't accept our baby or something!

Help please, have you ever been told that you where having a boy and it was a girl or vice versa? ^^