I need to rant. Sorry for the potty mouth.


Today my man got a call from his mother saying we needed to picked his little brother because CPS wont let her keep him.

let me tell you about this women. She is squatting in a house with her son who has down syndrome and is only 9. She's lived in a car with him before. Shes also an "ex drug user". Who constantly mooches off my man, hos other brother and his 16 almost 17 year old sister.

After the phone call my man wondered what she came up dirty for and i told him hard drugs, because i know what drugs addicts look like, my mother used heavily for years, but my mom is 12 years clean. He said no my mom isn't using anymore, like every kid hopes. So my man went to pick up his brother and called me to keep my updated and turns out i was fucking right about the bitch. SHE CAME UP DIRTY FOR METH. Not only is this women, putting her child in danger, she has to bring drugs into the picture. Im so beyond mad because this women does nothing for her life. She asks her kids for money constantly and it pisses me the fuck off.

My mom was on drugs but you know what, my mom had a place for me to rest my head every night. My mom never put me in situations where we were we need to get the fuck out off.

I guess i really hoped for the best with my man's mother. But now i don't even want her around my daughter who should be arriving in april.

Now we have to put our plans on hold. We cant move out this weekend and we cant move into our own place by the end of the months because we have no idea what's going to happen to his brother.

People need a wake up call. I feel like smacking the shit out of this women