Doctor's Office-Updated


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Went to see the doctor today. Well didn't remember until we got out that the doctor didn't bring up 2 things. 1 that I went in there for and 1 they saw when I was there. I don't know what to do. I am having an abnormally heavy period that doesn't follow my normal by any means. Plus when they went and took my pulse the nurse pointed out my oxygen levels were super low. How low? Well you are supposed to be in the 90's and I was at 88 I believe. Doctor didn't even bring it up. Not once. She went over my yeast infection, uti, but left those 2 things off. Yes an infection can cause some major issues but why would she not bring up my period or oxygen? My period is so heavy that even with taking a prenatal that is high in Iron it is causing me to become light I am concerned it might be caused by my oxygen levels. I looked it up online and that was another mistake. It is telling me that I should be on oxygen..great now I am worried. I felt light headed when doing the deep breaths for her but when I told her she ignored it. Not sure what to do.


Well I went back to the doctor on Friday mainly because I was having severe and sharp left side abdominal pain. They did some blood work and sent me home. This weekend I have been battling being light headed, dizzy, slightly nauseous, and had some diarrhea yesterday during the game of course. Guess we will see what they say...Normally I hope for a clear blood result but I feel so sick that I just want to know what is causing it. My last day of my period was Friday I believe and I am actually getting more light headed. I stopped taking the prenatals to see if that would stop the nausea..It comes and goes but definitely has not stopped... Hoping to get some answers today