My birth story! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I was set to be induced on November 30, so I was spending November 28 packing and getting the last bits and pieces ready for her arrival. Anyway, I went to the shops (1pm) with my mum and my partner and in the warehouse one set of my waters broke, I went and saw my midwife who confirmed it was my waters, so we went home, got our gear and began the drive to the hospital (2.5 hours away). We arrived around 5pm and waited to be seen, wasn't that sore at this point so weren't a priority as there was three emergency c sections that same afternoon. Got membranes stripped around 10pm and found that painful, was in lots of pain at this stage so had a long shower which helped heaps, found out I was 3cm around this time. Was in and out of shower all night and just tried Reston but was too difficult, got in the bath around 5am and was in so much pain so thought I would be progressing. Around 7.30am we were taken to the delivery room and I was examined and was still 3cm , I got an epidural but it failed so I could feel everything, I completely stopped progressing so was put on a drip to help. Babies heart rate was dropping so was monitored constantly. By 2pm I still hadn't progressed so they were getting ready for a c section but then I collapsed and went unconscious so they realised they needed to get baby out quick. Checked me again at 4 and I was 8cm and by 4.15 I was ready to push and at 5.03pm Mila was born weighing long 8lb 14, she's now 14 months old an we are trying for number 3!